Paradise Remembered

To know where we want to go, we must remember what we’ve forgotten.

What is Salmnesia?

The concept of generational amnesia is often described as the reality that every generation perceives the environment in which they were born as the “norm.”

Without intentionally seeking out our own history, and the history of the planet which we’ve inherited, it becomes increasingly more difficult to understand where we are at present, where we came from, and importantly, how we want to approach a future that is pointing toward many uncertainties.

This is the story of courage, of community self-reflection, of humility, and of integrity. It is the story of generational salmon amnesia and its hopeful antidote. It is the story of Salmnesia.

What we do

This project is spearheaded by two people with the good fortune of having lived in communities who actively participate in wild, productive, salmon-rich ecosystems, as well as communities where salmon are mostly a nostalgic memory. But they are not alone. They have an incredible team of volunteer partners by their side. Want to learn more? Click below.

Want to help? Here’s how.

We are committed to producing this project with the help from people. Not corporations or foundations. Because this story isn’t the property of one single business, nor should it be part of any for-profit or partisan public relations strategy. This is a story of the collective Us, as regular people, and our time and place on this planet. It is for this reason that we need your help.